Lyhyesti Suomeksi:
Leguan Lifts uudistaa myyntikanaviaan Sveitsissä. Entinen Leguan-henkilönostinten Sveitsin maahantuoja Aggeler AG siirtyy paikalliseksi diileriksi, joka vastaa myynnistä Itä-Sveitsiin. Samanaikaisesti Avant-kuormaajien pitkäaikaisena maahantuojana tunnettu Gujer Landmaschinen AG aloittaa koko Sveitsin maahantuojana. Muutoksen avulla pyritään rakentamaan entistä parempi myynti- ja huoltoverkosto, joka kattaa koko Sveitsin myynnin ja palvelee aiemmasta poiketen myös ranskankielistä Länsi-Sveitsiä.
Alkuperäinen lehdistötiedote:
Gujer Landmaschinen AG, which has been successfully selling Avant loaders for 28 years, is now taking over the general import of Leguan aerial work platforms for Switzerland. With Gujer Landmaschinen AG, Leguan Lifts Oy gains a partner who is well-known throughout Switzerland in the municipal-, construction- and agricultural machinery sectors.

Gujer Landmaschinen AG is very pleased that the previous importer, Aggeler AG from 9314 Steinebrunn, continues to sell the Leguan aerial work platforms in Eastern Switzerland.
Emil Aggeler is delighted: «With Gujer Landmaschinen AG we have a traditional partner at our side who is known throughout Switzerland through the Avant agencies. With this change, we can concentrate even more intensively on our main area in Eastern Switzerland with Leguan aerial work platforms.
Leguan Lifts has been investing in expanding the sales distribution network in Europe and has been experiencing fast growth during the past few years. Jori Mylläri adds: “The Avant Group has had a close relationship with Gujer Landmaschinen AG for almost 30 years and has been successful in various market segments from the very beginning. Since 2019 we have had regular discussions about potential cooperation with Brian Steffen from Gujer Landmaschinen AG. This cooperation has intensified even during the past few months and we are proud to annoucne that Gujer Landmaschinen AG will be the new general importer for Leguan spider lifts.

For Brian Steffen from Gujer Landmaschinen AG, a long-standing wish is being fulfilled and he is convinced that this area fits into the entire product portfolio, since strong cross-customer segment work is already being carried out with Avant. The needs of municipal-, construction- and forestry companies can be covered even better in the future.
The topic of renting will also increase significantly in the short to medium term. With the easy-to-use, self-levelling, high-quality Leguan aerial work platform, a wide range of customers can benefit from this unique machine, adds Brian Steffen at the end.
We look forward to the upcoming cooperation.